Update 8/23: Save Our Lakes

New sign orders are being placed and will be ready next week.

Ask Our Leaders to DEMAND A PLAN!

Support for our lakes and our communities has been overwhelming. Thousands of emails, phone calls, public comments and protests have been delivered in just a few days. Despite our best efforts, GBRA intends to drain the lakes beginning Sept. 16. 

Associations are seeking a temporary restraining order (TRO) in an effort to stop the drain until a solid, actionable plan is in place. 

Regardless of whether the TRO action is successful, it’s time to step up our outreach to all elected officials with a new and clear message: DEMAND A PLAN

We need our leaders to sit down with GBRA and Association leaders to work through a repair and revitalization plan, and support ways to fund and operationalize that plan at the local and state level. We need to see progress on this before Sept. 16. 

Update On Solutions and GBRA’s Role

After seeking all manner of legal and regulatory advice, it has become clear that the best way for most lakes to move forward will involve the creation of Water Control Improvement Districts, which must be approved by County Commissioners. These special districts are funded through bonds, which are paid back  with members’ tax dollars, and the work will most likely be managed by GBRA. So, like it or not, GBRA is likely to be a “partner” in our revitalization and repair efforts for the foreseeable future, but subject to terms and conditions set by the WCIDs

Creation and funding of such a district requires the help and participation of all elected officials, and we need them to act with urgency to work through details. Ultimately, Commissioners approve the creation of WCIDs, after which they are placed on a general election ballot for voters’ consideration – hopefully in May. 

It is not clear that a WCID will be a viable solution for all lake communities. Regardless of the route each or all lake associations take, we are stronger when our voices are raised together to demand support and solutions for all lakes. We must back each other up to minimize economic impact overall. 

What Can We Do Right Now? 

While the Governor’s office has made it clear they will not intervene to Stop the Drain, the Governor is interested in helping us come together to find a long-term solution. So, keep calling and emailing all officials – from Mayors to the Governor’s office. We will need help at every level to make this happen. Seriously, do not relent. Call or email every couple of days if you can and share the following messages (download contact list below):

  • Tell our elected officials to DEMAND A PLAN, and demand they sit down with associations and GBRA to lead the creation of a long-term solution for all lakes ASAP. 
  • Remind our elected officials that this is a COMMUNITY PROBLEM, not just a lakes problem, and demand they participate in impact studies and find sources of funding. 
  • Demand they TAKE ACTION before Sept. 16. 
  • Consider attending the Seguin ISD Board Meeting on Tuesday, when the county’s Chief Appraiser will present her plans to assess the potential revenue impact to Seguin ISD.

At the same time, we are going to continue to tell our story to local and statewide media. Please consider submitting letters to the editor in all area papers, especially the San Antonio Express-News; their editorial board has shown great support for GBRA, and needs to be countered.

Please share any questions or concerns you have on Facebook or Message me directly. We may not be able to stop the drain, but we don’t have to give in, either. Together, let’s DEMAND A PLAN for all lakes, and all people. 

11 Replies to “Update 8/23: Save Our Lakes

  1. Tess, I may have missed something or just understanding very well. As a downtown Seguin business the draining of all of these lakes will have huge impact on my business. I’m supporting the effort every way I can. My confusion comes in the way of contributing funds- who’s collecting? Where does a check get mailed? Can one check be written for all of the lakes? How do I get signs for my business?
    #SAVEOURLAKES #weareallaffected

    1. You are too kind. We are not collecting donations for Save Our Lakes per se, but each association is. And we will certainly take in-kind help – pay for printing of signs, for example. Call me if you want more contacts for that!

      1. Contact President Kevin, of CULP, Lake Placid’s organization, at info@lakeplacidtx.org

        Lawsuit To Prevent Lowering Their Lake
        by Dan Laroe

        The Lake Placid lake group which is known as Citizens United for Lake Placid (CULP) met this morning with the purpose of launching a legal effort to prevent GBRA from lowering their lake. They must raise $80,000. to retain an attorney with no guarantee of success with their lawsuit. In addition there will be a need to hire expert witnesses.

        This has nothing to do with restoring their dam. In that regard, they are moving along the same path as PLDA which will require the creation of a special district for each lake. These districts will be controlled by an elected board with funds raised by property taxes. Creation of the district will require a vote which could be scheduled no sooner than May of next year.

        There will be plenty of time for everyone to be fully informed before any vote. In that regard, PLDA is planning a Town Hall meeting for September (no date yet). The timing will be dependent on completing significant steps which are progressing rapidly. Prior to the meeting there will be ample opportunity to submit questions you have. Furthermore, we anticipate there will be additional town hall meetings as we progress.

        There is still a lot of work yet to be done but it all looks very, very promising. Together we shall restore our lake.

  2. This may sound silly but I think you should sell t-shirts (fundraiser) and to show the elected officials how many people are behing you. Do you have any petitions going?

  3. Lake Placid and Lake McQueeny will leave MLNDA behind. MLNDA needs to form a tax district and argue for an injunction. I don’t buy the GBRA argument of a loss of life risk if the lakes are not drained.. The risk of environmental and economic loss is enormous if the lakes are drained.

  4. On Melody Lake we were hearing from the GBRA that it was only a matter of weeks before our lake would be brought back to full pool and be ready for use for years to come. It had been pulled down for a couple of years for repair on the dam, due to damage from the 2016 flood. We had been given what seemed to be a perpetual moving target of when the dam would be finished, but were assured that it was being refurbished. So now with only weeks to go on the finish of our dam. It doesn’t get finished, they drain our lake next, and we wait for what?????? and for how long?????
    Anyone have any idea?????

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