Trading ‘Hope So’ for ‘Let’s Go’

Let’s develop a shared vision and unified strategic plan

Hope is not a strategy, but it is a necessary condition for change. Without hope, we stand still and accept what we think we deserve. Perhaps for the first time in a long time, there is a collective feeling of hope in Seguin. And while we should fill our lungs with the fresh air of optimism, that is not enough for us to succeed. Without a shared vision and strategic plan — we’re just holding our breath under water.

Mayor Don Keil and other city leaders have had the foresight to preserve critical assets in ways that better position our community for what’s coming. Look no further than New Braunfels’ desperate bid to buy water from neighbors like Seguin to know how lucky we are to have had such leadership tending to our future.

The next step is to build on this strong foundation, and embrace our difference maker: collaboration.

If civic, business and educational leaders collaborate on a shared strategic plan, the rising tide will raise all ships.

If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.

Let’s begin by agreeing on a vision that’s exciting and forward-thinking. And let’s not limit ourselves. We must believe that we deserve more, and that we can be more. Seguin has the potential to be a model 21st-century small city. We have abundant natural resources (affordable land, human capital, water). We are diverse – a strength in a global, interconnected world that is rapidly changing to look more like us. We are geographically positioned in the fastest growing corridor in the country. And in some ways, we have nothing to lose.

As an example, here’s Minneapolis’s vision statement, a city that consistently tops “best of” lists year after year:

“Minneapolis is a growing and vibrant world-class city with a flourishing economy and a pristine environment, where all people are safe, healthy and have equitable opportunities for success and happiness.”

Closer to home, here’s Austin’s vision statement, which directs its 30-year strategic plan, called Imagine Austin.

“As it approaches its 200th anniversary, Austin is a beacon of sustainability, social equity, and economic opportunity; where diversity and creativity are celebrated; where community needs and values are recognized; where leadership comes from its citizens, and where the necessities of life are affordable and accessible to all (Complete Communities). Austin’s greatest asset is its people: passionate about our city, committed to its improvement, and determined to see this vision become a reality.”

Imagine each entity’s strategic sphere as interconnected. Where we all overlap in the center is where we can get shared buy-in and work together to do more and go farther.

With a clear vision in hand, we can begin the real work of creating a community plan with intentionality and collaborate across civic, business and educational organizations. Without a shared destination, we will invariably go in different directions.

How do the strategic plans of the following critical entities complement and support a shared vision for Seguin?

  • City of Seguin
  • Guadalupe County
  • Seguin Economic Development Corporation (SEDC)
  • Seguin ISD (SISD)
  • Texas Lutheran University (TLU)
  • Guadalupe Regional Medical Center (GRMC)
  • Seguin-Guadalupe Chamber of Commerce
  • Seguin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  • Downtown Business Alliance

Over the next few weeks, Pecantown will explore the strategic plans for a few of these, beginning with Seguin ISD. Superintendent Matthew Gutierrez has a clear vision of where he wants to take our schools, and worked with his leadership team to create a strategic plan for getting there. He sees great opportunity not only for the district, but for the city, and imagines future collaborations that improve quality of life for all.

Let’s dream big – together.

2 Replies to “Trading ‘Hope So’ for ‘Let’s Go’

    1. Absolutely! Thanks for engaging, Kelly. TLU is critical to Seguin’s success, and Seguin can play a role in TLU’s continued success.

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